Creativity sits at the heart of all our training and development programmes. whether we are developing your skills as a leader, communicator or simply embedding the core principles of creative problem solving. Simple tools and focussed coaching, using challenges and case studies from your world, will make everything learned instantly useful in your business environment.

  • Creative Thinking - How to free yourself from formulaic thinking, flex your creative muscles and look at your business with fresh eyes.

  • Strategic Creativity - Identifying problems and opportunities - generating and developing ideas - communicating and implementing solutions.

  • Creative Facilitation - How to lead your team through the creative process.

  • The Creative Leader - How to foster a culture of curiosity and continuous growth.

  • Brand You - Identifying and articulating the values, skills and qualities that make you distinctive as a strong creative leader.

  • Where Next? - Great creative leaders need to offer clear direction. How to move from 'having a hunch' about a problem or opportunity to clarifying it into a crisp and focussed goal.

  • Insights to Action - What clues can your customers offer about what to do next? Transforming data and research into insights and opportunities.

  • Time for Growth - How to claim back time in your working day and use it to think more strategically about your goals and ambitions.

  • The Art of the Pitch - A great idea is nothing if nobody believes in it. How to identify what's dazziling about your idea then craft that into a simple but irresistible pitch.

  • Presentation Skills - How to make sure people pay attention when you take the stage and remember what you said when you leave it.

  • Storytelling for Business - How to identify the stories which will resonate with your customers and colleagues and then use a simple storytelling model to make sure they captivate your audience.

Leading Ideas offers all its training in standard or bitesized formats, so whether you have a couple of hours or a whole day to spare, we tailor our content to fit your needs.