Leading Ideas offers all its workshops in standard or bitesized formats, so whether you have a couple of hours or a whole day to spare, we tailor our content to fit your needs.
- Creative Thinking - How to free yourself from formulaic thinking, flex your creative muscles and look at your business with fresh eyes.
- The Creative Cycle - Identifying problems and opportunities - generating and developing ideas - communicating and implementing solutions.
- The Creative Leader - How to foster a culture of curiosity and continuous growth.
- Leading Creative Sessions - How to lead your team through the creative process.
- Time for Growth - How to claim back time in your working day and use it to reframe your goals and ambitions.
- Brand You - What makes you special? How to make the most of your skills and make an impact at work.
- Insights to Action - What clues can your customers offer about what to do next? Transforming data and research into insights and opportunities.
- What Next? - How to move from 'having a hunch' about a problem or opportunity to clarifying it into a crisp and tempting business brief.
- The Art of the Pitch - A great idea is nothing if nobody believes in it. How to identify what's dazziling about your idea then craft that into a simple but irresistible pitch.
- Presentation Skills - How to make sure people pay attention when you take the stage and remember what you said when you leave it.
- Storytelling for Business - How to identify the stories which will resonate with your customers and colleagues and then use a simple storytelling model to make sure they captivate your audience.